Thursday, 17 May 2012

Pleased to see Peter in the studio recently, he called in for a business profile photograph for his new venture.  After a number of years working for the BBC he moved to the head of Corporate Relations at University of Derby and is now an independent operator.  There's few around with his skills and credentials so probably better to let Peter introduce his new company . . .

"Peter Gallimore Media, based in Derbyshire, is a company offering bespoke media training and advice to middle and senior management. In a world where 24 hour news networks and newspaper websites want instant responses from your company to their questions."

Did I mention his credentials . . .

Peter Gallimore is a broadcast journalist with more than 40 years experience of the industry. He was Assistant Editor of the prestigious Today programme on Radio Four and its sister programme PM, where he worked with presenters like John Humphrys, Sue McGregor and James Naughtie. He was also one of the founding editors of BBC Radio Five live.

 . . .apart from that he's a really nice guy too.

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