Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tom at QUAD DerbyHere are a couple of photographs of Tom Craig shot for the front cover of this months Balance magazine.   Balance is national diabetes magazine and ran an article on Tom's film  Argon Green.  Thanks to QUAD for allowing us to use there building.  This allowed me the opportunity to try a couple of different background contexts.

Filming is two thirds complete and I believe Tom is close to getting the funding he needs to complete the rest.  You can get involved by visiting the Argon Green crowd funding site 

Tom Craig at QUAD film auditorium

There are two galleries from the filming  at Calke Abbey and the Gielgud Academy

The one to left was shot by balancing the speedlight with the natural light, a  little tricky because the light was coming from behind and 90 degrees from the left. Not ideal however the abstract background swayed by positioning of Tom.

The shot below was lit by bouncing the speedlight from above and to the right.

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