Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tom at QUAD DerbyHere are a couple of photographs of Tom Craig shot for the front cover of this months Balance magazine.   Balance is national diabetes magazine and ran an article on Tom's film  Argon Green.  Thanks to QUAD for allowing us to use there building.  This allowed me the opportunity to try a couple of different background contexts.

Filming is two thirds complete and I believe Tom is close to getting the funding he needs to complete the rest.  You can get involved by visiting the Argon Green crowd funding site 

Tom Craig at QUAD film auditorium

There are two galleries from the filming  at Calke Abbey and the Gielgud Academy

The one to left was shot by balancing the speedlight with the natural light, a  little tricky because the light was coming from behind and 90 degrees from the left. Not ideal however the abstract background swayed by positioning of Tom.

The shot below was lit by bouncing the speedlight from above and to the right.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

We do things differently . . .

Annual DNCC dinner

 . . .  a claim used too liberally perhaps?  At Matthew Jones Photography we provide great quality photography and we produce imagery that is different.   Here are a couple of images that you probably won't see from any other photographer.  Just one of many reasons for you to get in touch if you are looking for a photographer. 

Derby event

Friday, 6 April 2012

The DNCC Annual Dinner

Many photographers including myself like to work with natural daylight.  This isn't always an option so when I'm shooting indoors I use a Cannon Speedlight 580EX II.

Using a flash mounted on the camera adds an additional level of complexity.  I recommend avoiding using direct flash.  With a bit of practice bouncing the flash and trying different exposure compensation settings you can achieve pretty good lighting.  It can be a little hit and miss at first but the more you practice the luckier you tend to get.

DNCC Annual Dinner Nottingahm
To the left is one of the photographs I shot for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce at their annual dinner using bounced flash.  There are Selected images from the event on our website

The Tomato Genome Sequencing Project

I not sure what happens to make some people achieve great things, but I was happy to meet to two such people recently.  Dr Graham Seymour and Dr Gerard Bishop are two of the UK's leading  plant technology researches.  There are many remarkable aspects to the project, not the least being the knowledge exchange and  contribution of several countries leading to the successful outcome.

Dr Graham Seymour works for the University of Nottingham in the School of Biosciences Nottingham University. 

Biosciences Greenhouse University of Nottingham

Above is one of the photographs I took during the photo shoot.  You can see some of the other photographs of Graham and Gerard working The Tomato Genome Sequencing Project in the galleries section of our website.